[W_F_T] Wild Fire Academy

Academy Clan For The Wild Fire Community


| Accepting Active Players And FC's |

Part Of The Wild Fire Community: W__F (Main Clan), W_F_T (Academy), W_F_R (Social/Academy Clan), -ITU- (Totally Social), W_F_S (To Be Opened Soon)

W_F_T Requirements:

+ At least 1 Useful Tier 8 Tanks (Check TS For Info)(Flexible)
+ At least 3 Useful Tier 6 Tanks (Check TS For Info)
+ Teamspeak 3
+ Interest in becoming part of a team doing CW etc...
+ 50 Resources A Week
+ At least 1k Games Played And A Want To Improve

NOTE: These requirements can vary depending on a individuals levels of game play and competence

Teamspeak is used across all of the Community Clans

If you want to find out more then please do not be affraid to visit our teamspeak server: ts3.wildfirecommunity.co.uk:9011

Or PM Either jricketts1, imastalker15 or Rick_Oshea_

You can download teamspeak from: http://www.teamspeak3.com/teamspeak-download.php

Hope to hear from you soon

Clan statistics

Number of members: 17

Ø Battles3539
Ø WN81199,92
Ø WinRate49,77%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate