Don't mess with the Death Star...


Rekrutacja otwarta

Aktywność w godzinach wieczornych
Posiadanie minimum 5 grywalnych czołgów: 60TP, BZ-75, IS-7, CS-63, 260, itd.
Min 3,5k dpg na X tierach
Doświadczenie w formacie 15x15
Komunikacji i samodzielnego myślenia

grę na natarciach, twierdzach, plutonach
wysokie wyniki na kampaniach
ogromną ilość rezerw klanowych

Chcesz do nas dołączyć? Wyślij podanie/napisz wiadomość prywatną na grze lub wejdź na tsa: dstar


Clan statistics

Number of members: 54

Ø Battles25549
Ø WN81835,68
Ø WinRate52,62%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate
damianbalutyJoined03/21/2025, 05:43 PM UTC
Penguin_DejvvJoined03/19/2025, 07:56 PM UTC
Penguin_MateQ_22Joined03/19/2025, 07:56 PM UTC
_____w1_____Joined03/19/2025, 07:56 PM UTC
Penguin_JUSTJoined03/19/2025, 07:56 PM UTC
Penguin_KubixqJoined03/19/2025, 07:56 PM UTC
Penguin_Trey69Joined03/19/2025, 07:55 PM UTC
_Hokus_Pokus_Makapaka_Joined03/19/2025, 07:55 PM UTC
PcyJoPatka_Joined03/19/2025, 12:38 PM UTC
KubaIronManJoined03/18/2025, 10:14 PM UTC
Piter_715_The_InquisitorJoined03/17/2025, 09:30 PM UTC
OkoJusDreinJusDaunLeft 03/16/2025, 09:07 AM UTC
Grzechu30_Left 03/14/2025, 09:07 PM UTC
simonlLeft 03/13/2025, 05:17 PM UTC
panda2006kkLeft 03/11/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
Vesu_SECURITYLeft 03/09/2025, 05:49 AM UTC
SKAUS3RLeft 03/07/2025, 05:46 AM UTC
Najtu_The_InquisitorLeft 03/03/2025, 11:46 PM UTC
Call_Me_W0jt4s_Joined03/03/2025, 11:34 PM UTC
barteqxc_MeMeCompanyLeft 03/03/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
tomsonek_2Joined03/03/2025, 12:28 PM UTC
Robert1931Joined03/03/2025, 09:06 AM UTC
Wariat_MeMeCompanyLeft 03/02/2025, 09:07 AM UTC
Alek_MeMeCompanyLeft 03/01/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
Godzilla_MeMeCompanyLeft 03/01/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
ModJusDreinJusDaunJoined03/01/2025, 09:05 PM UTC
dominplONeLeft 03/01/2025, 05:40 PM UTC
Penguin_KubixqLeft 02/26/2025, 05:35 AM UTC
MysiuPysiuPLLeft 02/25/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
5K4U53RLeft 02/24/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
Better_SK4USERJoined02/24/2025, 01:53 PM UTC
d3m1nantLeft 02/24/2025, 05:31 AM UTC
hanixterLeft 02/23/2025, 09:07 PM UTC
NojarRoysPLLeft 02/23/2025, 09:07 PM UTC
Ligus11_MeMeCompanyLeft 02/23/2025, 09:07 PM UTC
BackShotGOATLeft 02/23/2025, 09:07 PM UTC
nomyisheroLeft 02/23/2025, 09:02 PM UTC
5K4U53RJoined02/23/2025, 04:22 PM UTC
BurzycielLeft 02/23/2025, 08:17 AM UTC