[C_A_B] Československy Armádny Bratři

Komunikácia Výhra Zábava


Sme veľmi aktívny klan.
Prijímame len aktívnych a Priateľských hráčov
Výhoda k prijatiu je mať Discord.
Naš Discord: https://discord.gg/QqTtuCZ7

We are a very active clan.
We only accept active and friendly players
The advantage to accept is to have Discord.
Our Discord: https://discord.gg/QqTtuCZ7

Clan statistics

Number of members: 49

Ø Battles4500
Ø WN8753,76
Ø WinRate46,94%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate
KongG4mes_17Left 02/19/2025, 09:07 PM UTC
Sonixs_ironLeft 02/19/2025, 09:07 PM UTC